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Azhar M.A Faruqui


After the United States made its National Heart Institute, there was a mad rush all over the world to build such Institutes. While the :PP°’ of the NIH in the USA was well defined and meant to be a pacesetter and coordinator, many of the Heart Institutes around the world remained no more than ordinary departments of cardiology.

With an organized National Institute present in Karachi and fully developed departments o f  Cardiology in Quetta, Peshawar, Hyderabad, .Lahore and Pindi, we shall have put Cardiology on a sound footing Pakistan. When even a rich country like USA or a big but poor country like India has only but ONE NATIONAL INSTITUTE, why should we do otherwise. We shall have to learn from our own past and the world-wide experience if we are to get the maximum out of our limited resources.

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