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Azhar M.A Faruqui


Much has changed since the days of Philosopherphysjcj when one individual’s learning could encompass the entire state of higher know/edge as existed then. Not only are philosophy and medicine separate subjects but each of the many branches of med/cal science has evolved a galaxy of know/edge all its OW,,. Cardiovascular medicine which is a sub-speciality of the specialty of Medicine is a prime example of this know/edge explosion. Even in this sub-speciality divisions have appeared and a elm/cal cardiologist may not comprehend an electrophysiology work. When such specia//zajo occurs it becomes incumbent upon the bodies regulating medical training to set minimum acceptable standards of training and/or competence before a person can claim to be a spec/a//st This. is mandatory to protect the public’s interest and is an established mode in the advanced Countries.

While there are obvious problems one can foresee iii obtaining a consensus on such a delicate issue and in enforcing it once a concensus is reached, efforts towards these goals should be started. It is to be preferred that such regulation should be by the physicians themselves and not superimposed by the government. Pakistan Cardiac Society or a specially constitutód Board could easily set the standards and recommendations for enforcing such standards. 

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