To analyze the nutritional health of children under the age of five who have siblings that are severely wasted

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Dr. Anil D Bhoi, Dr. Vinod V Choudhary


Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze the nutritional health of children under the age of five who have siblings that are severely wasted. Material and methods: This research was carried out in the context of a community cross-sectional study. After this, house visits were made to the address that had been indicated.  The examination of the siblings took place at home. Children diagnosed with SAM who had addresses and phone numbers associated with them were included in the study and tracked down to their respective homes. We collected data on demographic and environmental factors, as well as anthropometric factors, for all children under the age of five, with the exception of the kid who was identified as the index case of SAM. Results: A total of one hundred children less than five years old were enrolled. The average age of the children was 3.25 years old with a standard deviation of 1.11 years, and 45 (45%) of the children were male. In a sample of 100 children under the age of five, anthropometry revealed that 30% of the children had wasting, 70% of the children were underweight, and 60% of the children were stunted. Conclusion: There was a substantial prevalence of severe malnutrition among children who had a sibling diagnosed with SAM. All children in the household of a newly diagnosed kid with SAM who are under the age of five should be screened for undernutrition aggressively. This is something that should be taken into consideration.

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