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Mohammad Hafizullah


Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide and with
the advent of an aging society; it has become one of the most important health
problems worldwide. CAD is estimated to increase continuously during the next
few decades. In fact, the number of people 60 years of age is expected to double
1 by 2025 and to triple by 2050 globally. The proportion of this aged population is
likely to increase more in the Asian-Pacific region; thus, half of the world's
2 cardiovascular burden is predicted to occur in our area.

It is of paramount importance that specific prevention initiatives should be linked into wider CAD frameworks to ensure
20 transferability of learning and integration within wider service provision. Pakistan Cardiac Society through all her portals must
prepare a comprehensive plan to transmit this valuable information to the national medical community not directly involved in
taking care of cardiac ailments, allied health workers who are in intimate contact with general population and general
practitioners who are approached by general public for their day to day problems. This information must reach the general
public in a palatable form which can be assimilated and more importantly put into action. Important initiatives are required by the
government and her partners to encourage the general population to adopt healthy life style, take up regular exercise and apply
caution in dietary choices. Regular checkup should be made mandatory for all and sundry for earlier detection and management
of the risk factors.

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