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Faisal Ahmed, Nouman Kakepoto, Imran Khan Sandeelo


Objective: To determine the frequency of radial artery occlusion followingtransradial coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction patients.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at cardiologydepartment Liaqat National Hospital Karachi from 22nd October 2016 to 21stApril 2017. Patients with myocardial infarction going for coronary interventionperformed through radial artery were recruited in this study. Radial artery waspalpated and coronary artery intervention was performed through radial arteryafter procedure patient was shifted to recovery, palpate radial artery after 6hrsand then Doppler ultrasonography was performed which shows no flow,impaired flow or normal laminar flow.

Results: A total of 180 patients with myocardial infarction going for coronaryintervention performed through radial artery were recruited in this study. About79% of the patients were above 4 years of age. There were 55.56% male.Diabetes and hypertension were the commonest factor followed by smoking.Frequency of radial artery occlusion following transradial coronary interventionin acute myocardial infarction was observed in 18.89% cases. With respect toage stratification, rate of radial artery occlusion was observed in the range of14.3% to 23.7% in different age groups (p=0.734). Rate of radial arteryocclusion was approximate similar in male and female (p=0.96) while rate ofocclusion was significantly higher in obese (BMI >30 kg/m2) as compared to theoverweight and normal cases (p=0.011).

Conclusion: The use of transradial PCI is not only beneficial to reduce bleedingbut also for ischemic complications and mortality in high-risk patientsundergoing coronary interventions.

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