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Objective: To study the role of Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiographyin the detection of pulmonary embolism.
Methodology: This retrospective observational study was performed inRadiology Department, Lady Reading Hospital, Medical Teaching Institute,Peshawar, Pakistan, from July 2017 to December 2018. Computerized clinicaland diagnostic record of patients referred for CT Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA)to radiology department for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) wereretrieved from the e-log and retrospectively analysed. Patients referred for CTPAwith suspicion of PE were included in the study. Patients undergoing CTPA forconditions other than PE were excluded from the study.
Results: Amongst the total of 117 patients, 52 were males. Age range was from10-100 years with a mean age of 51 years. A total of 74 out of 117 patients(63.2%) were reported negative for PE while 43 cases (36.8%) were reportedpositive for PE. The most common patient presentation was shortness of breath(58.1%) and commonest risk factor was deep vein thrombosis (DVT) (20.9%).
Conclusion: CTPA is a minimally invasive fast technique for the detection orexclusion of pulmonary embolism. It is an investigation of choice having a highsensitivity and specificity in symptomatic patients with identifiable risk factors. Itsavailability is mandatory in tertiary care hospitals for early accurate diagnosisgiving a road map for prompt patient management.